The latest fight between Dolly Bindra and Manoj Tiwari started off on the breakfast table where the current Kitchen Captain Dolly refuses to make Manoj an omelet and also not allowed him make one for himself. The whole argument went little personal where bad words were used on the prime time family show. Just wondering, whether all this is scripted to boost TRPs or the natural instincts of our so called educated celebrities who use foul language on the national television.
On the other hand, Ashmit Patel who has been chosen as the House Captain by the members have chose a different path and refused to be the part of any argument with in the house was busy making created some picture moments with Veena Malik. Sarah who has been kept in a secret room watching all the proceedings and would enter the Big Boss house today which may add some more spice to the show as the Dolly had a tiff with her before Sarah exit was staged by Big Boss.
dolly bindra should keep her temper down. she should behave accordingly as the whole world outside is watching her. her abusing other contestants only makes her image look bad. so i think that she should know how to talk and behave being an educated and famous celebrity.
the voting system is confusing.in the show they are saying that the participant getting max votes will be staying at BB home but in the main web site it is written the person getting highest vote is likely to get out.CONFUSING!!!!
Dolly Bindra must be removed from the house,so that a good family should watch the show.Her behavior will spoil the IMAGE in the world outside watching this show.Her abusing language makes the image bad of BIG BOSS.BIG BOSS SHOULD NOT HAVE ALLOWED THIS TYPE OF CONTESTANT.
Dolly should be thrown out of the house for her abusive language and behaviour.
it is all TRP hussle when it comes to Dolly Bindra fiasco and Ashmit and Veena.
Had these things not included int he script no one would have wactched....
Dolly is obnoxious and watching Big Boss now is very upsetting becausee of her. From the time she has entered the HOUSE, the whole atmosphere has changed. Every contestant has a strained look on their face.
Her voice, infact her very being is so annoying. I do pity her husband (if he's still her husband) and her kids (if she has any). I would hate to be associated with a character like her.
She should be disgraced and asked to GET OUT of the house asap.
Dolly have to eliminate from big boss house. she does not know what she saying. she is very fighter also. everyone watching this show. then, veena and asmit... veena is No.1 prostitute. whenever a chance she got she will utilise. bigg bos have to take an action. love falling, romance this type of things is not good. plas take an action bilgg boss... thank you.
dolly bindra should be thrown out of big boss house immediatly - she is absolutely not good nature female who is spoiling the image of educated indian female. If you want good audience please dont allow this kind of contestants
plz kick dolly out of the show she is too much...........how can she bhv in such an indescent manner........how can she blame shweta for everything.............i hate her she is disguisting.......
the episode which saw the fight of dolly and Manoj Tiwari was too upsetting ...I could not get a good sleep after going through those yells,screams. I felt we were watching an episode happening at Dharavi ...if this type of show business continues ...i will surely prefer watching "Sajan re Jhooth mat bolo "
shweta double standard apna faayada suchna dosro ko murakh baana,manoj baatameez ,sameer irritate person ek he thali ke chate baate hai.jo dolly se shweta ke kaahne par us se ghar me laagaye karte hai.shweta ka asli chehra sab ko patha.woh dosro ke kadhe par baandok rak kar apne liye ghar me tekhe rehna ka rasta baaana rehi hai.manoj shweta se apni porani dosti ka\e karn shweta ki taaraf hai.us ki jo dosti gahri hai is liye us ka saath de raaha hai.jo dolly ko paata hai.dolly lage rahe .aap sachi hai saach ka saath de rehi hai.shweta, manoj,sameer,anchal ki chutti karde.ur in sab ko ghar se bahar nekalne ke baad he ghar se niklna.
plz BIG BOSS TRP k liye garbage ko ghar me q rakhe ho? is dolly shurpnakha ki wajah se ghar me mahabharat na suru ho jaye fir tumhara show v band ho jayega qki us rakshas dolly ki wajah se log tumhara show deakhna band karna wale hain fir batorte rehna trp's
Dolly is Rakhi Sawant PLUS Sambhavana Seth mix. Please throw her out of Bigg Boss house as the whole family watches the show.
Dolly Bindra should be thrown out from BIG Boss ,becouse this is family program so a lady should not behave like this.I think Bindra is mad.Mr.Salman or colour TV should not allow her to stay at Big Boss.If Big Boss Allow then is somethig wrong.
dolly is unbearable. but Ashmit and Hrishant are pretty lousy and rude too. Veena is a bitch. It is a shame to watch Ashmit and Veena act like they are doing- I feel bad for Sarah. She got nominated because she was favoring Ashmit. She really deserves someone better.
Big Boss 4 should be boycotted...With the entry of a cheap character like Dolly Bindra, an entertainment show has turned to crap...Unfit to view...Or is Big Boss 4 education people to abuse other ?
The behavior of Dolly Bindra is really heart breaking one.No one wants to have any issues with her but she forcefully creates issues with everyone in the family.BigBoss take some ssteps against her and teach her a good lesson.
js a publicity stunt no matr whethr positv or negatv they hv been paid for it n i thnk evrythng iz pre planned dre. .big boss4 was getng borng day by day so they sent dolly to bring some twist............
Dolly is a bloody hoot. She should be thrown away forcibly from the house. That ill tempered lady should not be a part of the house. I think it is only to popularise the show. With Salman khan as a very weak host and not so much of popular personalities the bigg boss was not pulling crowd .This is the ploy of the producer to aatract viewr by doing such cheap entertainment.
Dolly is fighting, screaming, but I think that she is doing this things only to uncover the faces of other persons in house, if I am not wrong it is already started. because of Dolly we are able to know that Sweta Tiwari is used to the using of abusive language(as using but pretended to be decent)Manoj Tiwari's politics nature.may be she is bad but I didnt found any one good except Sima ji( because it is my view that she is mature and understanding) in the house.
coz of dolly bindra it's been intresting to watch big b 4 beside that wats goin on between ashmit patel and bina malik....wat abt sarah...?
i dont care much about dolly she is just too much but what the hell are ashmit and veena up to hello last time i heard its sort of a family show what wrong with bigg boss.
I suppose unlike me they are many audience who were excited abt BIGG BOSS this year specially wt Salman Khan hosting the show....but now the show is turning into a crappy reality show. there is no one good but Dolly is highest of being unreasonable...she is such a bitch spoiled the whole show.
there are many international audience watching make it interesting nt worst by getting fake people like Dolly bitch & Veena hoar.
i used to watch daily bt nw i watch only on Friday & Saturday.
if the producers want to make it success bring good players & let the game to healthy & fair.
days are not far BIGG BOSS house to bcome brothel house.
dolly should be thrown out of the house se is so irritating and even rahul as he is double face guy
Dolly you are speaking truth. All are think that shweta, Manoj & Sammer are good. But all dont know specially all three are fake persons. We have seen all of them in episode roll in which they act as hero or heroine. If they are right then why breakup happened between both the Shweta & Manoj Tiwari life. Thats all fact is little bit bitter which one we dnt wanna to see....
veena malik shows her character n her cheap status in big boss.. looks like a desperado
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